Books 2

————BOOK MENU————
The SecretSilent Spring
Catch-22The Creature From
Jekyll Island

Chemtrail Montage
The Mandrake Mechanism
Bag Man

Rhonda Byr ne
The Secret

Read by Sherman Keene

Please use the Full Book Player to listen to this book. 

There are free PDFs of this book all over the Internet. I’m reading the book from one of these free PDF files. 

Because . . .

  • free PDFs of this book are available all over the Internet
  • anyone with (free) Acrobat Reader can have the PDF book read to them (with a boring, mono digital voice) and
  • the one audio book I found was badly recorded, 

. . . I have decided to join in and make a professional recording of this important book myself. This is a powerful, encouraging and enlightening book. I hope you enjoy it.

I’d been given a glimpse of a Great Secret—The Secret to life. The glimpse came in a hundred-year-old book, given to me by my daughter Hayley. I began tracing The Secret back through history. I couldn't believe all the people who knew this. They were the greatest people in history: Plato, Shakespeare, Newton, Hugo, Beethoven, Lincoln, Emerson, Edison, Einstein.—Rhonda By r ne

The Secret is a 2006 self-help book by Rhonda Byr ne, based on the earlier film of the same name. It is based on the law of attraction, which teaches that thoughts can change a person's life directly. The book has sold 30 million copies worldwide and has been translated into 50 languages. 

The Secret was released as a film in March 2006, and later the same year as a book. The book is influenced by Wallace Wattles' 1910 book The Science of Getting Rich,
which Byr
ne received from her daughter during a time of personal trauma, in 2004. 

_________ _________

Rachel Carson
Silent Spring

————BOOK MENU————
The SecretSilent Spring
Catch-22The Creature From
Jekyll Island

Chemtrail Montage
The Mandrake Mechanism
Bag Man

Read by Sherman Keene

Please use the Full Book Player to listen to this book. 

Because . . .

  • The Silent Spring book is missing its copyright © notice (making it public domain),
  • free PDFs of Rachel’s book are available in many places on the Internet. 
  • free Acrobat Reader will gladly read any PDF for you using the READ command,
  • there is already a (badly-recorded) audio  book on You Tube

. . . I have decided to join in and make a professional recording of this important book myself. I hope you enjoy it.

Silent Spring is a nonfiction book written by Rachel Carson that became one of the most-influential books in the modern environmental movement. Published in 1962, Silent Spring was widely read by the general public and became a New York Times best seller. The book provided the impetus for tighter control of pesticides and has been honoured on many lists of influential books, including Discover magazine’s list of the 25 greatest science books of all time. The title Silent Spring was inspired by a line from the John Keats poem La Belle Dame sans Merci [the beautiful woman without mercy] and evokes a ruined environment in which:

“The sedge is withered from the lake, and no birds sing.”

Carson was a biologist and science writer who earned a master’s degree in zoology from Johns Hopkins University in Baltimore, Maryland, in 1932. Following the success of her second book, The Sea Around Us (1951), she quit her job with the Bureau of Fisheries in 1952 to concentrate on her writing career. Although she had been aware of the use of synthetic pesticides since World War II (when DDT was widely used to control malaria and typhus), she did not concentrate on the topic until 1957, when she was recruited by the National Audubon Society to investigate the dangers of the loosely regulated use of DDT and other pesticides. In addition to reading scientific literature and attending Food and Drug Administration hearings on the use of chemical pesticides on food crops, Carson conducted extensive interviews with scientists and physicians to learn about the effects of pesticides.

In my reckoning, the KIND of things Rachel warned us about are still taking place. 

  • 1. In Rachel’s time the planes spraying the poison were low-flying. In this time, in a corrupt effort to cause global dimming to continue selling fossil fuels a little longer, Big Oil has switched to using very high flying jet planes full of barrels of deadly poison. See the montage of chemtrail airplane photos. To all the “experts” who try to “debunk” chemtrails—debunk this! “Balance the airplane?”  What nonsense! See all the huge pipes leading out through the skin of the plane? See all the spray nozzles outside the plane? Debunk that!

    One of the poisons (aluminum) is used because it reflects sunlight. Aluminum dust prevents trees from performing water up-take. Big Oil’s aluminum spraying is why there are so many rampaging forest fires. The trees are completely dried out. Big Oil MUST BE STOPPED! How to do this is the question.

  • 2. PFAS is reducing human’s ability to have babies (breed) by making men’s sex organs smaller and their sperm far less organized and vigorous. PFAS is also making women less fertile than their moms and grandmothers were!

    PFAS is a forever chemical because once it gets into a person, it stays forever and continues to build up over the person’s entire lifetime.

  • 3. A huge dump of tens of thousands of leaking barrels of DDT has been found at the bottom of the ocean off Catalina Island, offshore from Los Angeles. DDT is the horror chemical that Rachel wrote about in Silent Spring. The DDT manufacturers dumped their leftovers in the ocean and left them for someone else to clean up.

  • 4. Glyphosate (Round Up) made by the hated Monsanto Company is now found in EVERY human being including newborn babies. Why? Because we spray the herbicide on crops and then we eat the crops! Fake corn and other fake food products were first PATENTED and later made immune to Round Up by genetic manipulation. GMO fake food was created.

    Believe it or not, if one farmer uses the dreadful Monsanto seed and his neighbor does not, when the wind blows the GMO pollen into the neighbor’s field and Monsanto finds their “patented” DNA in the neighbor’s crops, they are allowed to SUE THE NEIGHBOR for violation of “their patent.” The judge who gave Monsanto the OK to sue a farmer because the wind blows should be disbarred and soundly beaten.

    Other countries bought corn from the US, planted it, and NOT ONE SINGLE CORN PLANT GREW! Monsanto’s explanation? “We redesigned the corn’s DNA for eating not planting.” It looks a little like real corn and it tastes a little like real corn but it is NOT corn. It is Frankenstein Corn: Frankencorn.

    This Glyphosate loaded Frankenccorn is fed to cows who then give Glyphosate milk and we eat their Glyphosate meat! Cows are designed by nature to eat grasses. When they are fed Frankencorn, the cows become sick causing the humans who eat them to become sick too.

    Besides selling “patented” genetically-modified Frankenwheat, Frankencorn and Frankensoy bean seeds, Monsanto is also quietly going about “patenting” others foods like Frankenapples, Frankenpears, Frankenpeaches, Frankenbananas and so forth.

  • 5. Growers of salmon have started breeding fake Frankenstein salmon (Frankensalmon) by editing the salmon’s DNA. A fake (GMO) salmon dwarfs a real salmon. It takes about 10 years to discover the harm that is caused by editing DNA to make Frankenstein versions of real plants and animals. What will happen to people who eat Frankensalmon? Read “all about it” in what’s left of “the news” in 10 years.

  • 6. Genetic scientists have just started growing fake humans without needing any contribution from a human dad or mom! They’re learning how to make Frankenhumans! Sounds like “the clone wars” from Star Wars is about to get going, doesn’t it? I can almost hear the scientists yelling, “It’s ALIVE! It’s ALIVE!” What’s next? A million man army of Frankenhumans? No dad. No mom. Soldiers who only know one thing: how to kill the enemy.

  • 7. The radiation from nuclear power plant “accidents” is poisoning the seas and the land. It’s NOT an accident because the nuclear idiots who designed them KNEW how dangerous they were. They knew and then went ahead and built them anyway. It’s UNTHINKABLE! When people are killed by nuclear power plants, the designers should face the death penalty.

    The “designers” built a nuclear plant with no generators OUT OF THE REACH OF A TIDAL WAVE! The waves hit, shorted out the electric power that runs the pumps that keeps the reactor cool and BOOM! No more Fukushima! The hydrogen exploded, the roof blew off, the core was drained of its cooling water and a china syndrome started. IT’S STILL GOING ON ! At Fukushima, the radiation from melting fuel rods is dribbling into the sea 24 hours a day. This radiation has reached all the way to California. No one’s talking about it, but the Fukushima china syndrome meltdown is STILL PUTTING RADIATION INTO THE SEA!

    Now, Japan is talking about taking millions of gallons of Fukushima radioactive waste water (that leaked out of the EXPLODED plant onto the ground) and dumping all of it into the sea! IT CAN’T BE ALLOWED! THEY MUST BE STOPPED! If they go through with this insane plan, it  will poison the sea around Japan and the sea around nearby countries poisoning their seafood forever.

    Too late! Japan has already dumped their radioactive Fukushima water from the China Syndrome tidal wave event into the sea.

  • 8. The planet-wrecking oil companies are using “fracking” (injecting poisonous and toxic fluids into the ground to force oil up into their failing oil wells). This poisons the ground water and all the people who drink it. It seems only fair that the death penalty should be used on Big Oil decision-makers who think it’s perfectly OK to kill Americans to make a little more money out of an exhausted oil field.

  • 9. In a failed attempt to hold back the Climate Disaster that Big Oil created, they are now is engaging in chemtrail spraying to try to cause “global dimming.” To confirm this for yourself, just look up! If the streaks you see are longer than two inches (at arm’s length) it’s a CHEMtrail NOT a CONtrail consisting of water vapor. First the streaks are thin while lines in the sky. An hour later the chemtrails have spread out causing a fake white overcast. See the white streaks that spread from horizon to horizon? THOSE are chemtrails and they consist mainly of deadly poisons.

    Chemtrails kill critical pollinators (like bees) and life in lakes, rivers and oceans. The aluminum in chemtrails falling on trees makes them unable to take up water. This dries out the trees causing them to become an extreme fire risk. The smoke from the huge fires caused by Big Oil’s Climate Disaster and their chemtrails harms and kills humans too, even hundreds of miles away.
    See the Chemtrail Montage in this page.

  • 10. In Texas, a rancher lost a herd of cattle when GMO grass suddenly started emitting cyanide gas!

    we read

    A herd of cattle in central Texas has mysteriously died after eating genetically modified grass, CBS News reported this past weekend. Preliminary tests have revealed that the grass began spontaneously producing cyanide gas, killing 15 of the 18 head of cattle owned by Jerry Abel of Elgin. “When our trainer first heard the bellowing, he thought our pregnant heifer may be having a calf or something,” Abel told CBS. “But when he got down here, virtually all of the steers and heifers were on the ground. Some were already dead, and the others were dying and already in convulsions.”

  • 11. Honey bee scouts still wander near their hives looking for flowers. What they used to do is return to the hive and do the special tail wiggle dance to show the worker bees the direction to the flower field.

    Then came deadly poison chemtrail spraying to prolong the profits of Big Oil. In the poison brew that is sprayed is ALUMINUM—a known cause of Dementia. So today, the scout bee lands on the flowers, gets infected by the aluminum, then returns to the hive and wanders around aimlessly. The scout forgot where the flowers were.

Rachel tried to warn us.

“They would not listen, they're not listening still
perhaps they never will”
From the song Vincent by Don McLean

Joseph Heller

Read Catch-22

Because . . .

  • the original © copyright notice is absent making this book public domain,
  • free PDFs of Joseph’s book are available in many places on the Internet,
  • free Acrobat Reader will gladly read any PDF for you using the READ command,

. . . I have included one of the free PDFs I found here for you to read.

Catch-22 is a satirical war novel by American author Joseph Heller. He began writing it in 1953; the novel was first published in 1961. Often cited as one of the most significant novels of the twentieth century, it uses a distinctive non-chronological third-person omniscient narration, describing events from the points of view of different characters. The separate storylines are out of sequence so the timeline develops along with the plot.

The novel is set during World War II, from 1942 to 1944. It mainly follows the life of antihero Captain John Yossarian, a U.S. Army Air Forces B-25 bombardier. Most of the events in the book occur while the fictional 256th US Army Air Squadron is based on the island of Pianosa, in the Mediterranean Sea west of the Italian mainland, although it also includes episodes from basic training at Lowry Field in Colorado and Air Corps training at Santa Ana Army Air Base in California. The novel examines the absurdity of war and military life through the experiences of Yossarian and his cohorts, who attempt to maintain their sanity while fulfilling their service requirements so that they may return home.

The book was made into a film adaptation in 1970, directed by Mike Nichols. In 1994, Heller published a sequel to the 1961 novel entitled Closing Time.


In 1961, author Joseph Heller finally submitted his manuscript for Catch-18 to his editor, Robert Gottlieb. Although Heller had spent seven years perfecting the story, Gottlieb saw room for improvement. The editor taped the pages to his office wall and restructured the novel, giving more emphasis to the now-famous Major Major character and instructing Heller to delete entire 60-page sections. But most importantly, Gottlieb wanted to change the title.

Earlier that year, writer Leon Uris had released a war novel called Mila 18, and Gottlieb didn't want any confusion between the two books. What followed was an exchange of frantic letters in which Heller and Gottlieb considered and rejected various numbers for the title. They decided 11 didn't work because of Ocean's 11; 14 was "an unfunny number;" and 26 just didn't feel right. "I've got it!" Gottlieb blurted out one night in a eureka moment. "It's Catch-22! It's funnier than 18." The edit stuck, and a major, major idiom was born.

Edward Griffin
The Creature From Jekyll Island


Read The Creature From Jekyll Island

We fought the revolutionary war to rid ourselves of The Bank Of England, a corrupt and oppressive central bank. Then sleazy US bankers funded Woodrow Wilson’s presidential campaign so thoroughly that Woodrow was elected. Then, true to the promise he had made to the sleazy bankers, one Christmas, while congress members were mostly at home with their families, The Federal Reserve Act was rushed through a skeleton congress and Woodrow signed it into law on December 23, 1913. 

This saddled the US with another corrupt central bank, but this time “the fed” was INSIDE the US!

This is a horror story that all Americans should learn so they will understand how sleazy bankers brought about the financial troubles of our times:

ChemTrail Airplane Montage

_________ _________

————BOOK MENU————
The SecretSilent Spring
Catch-22The Creature From
Jekyll Island

Chemtrail Montage
The Mandrake Mechanism
Bag Man

_________ _________

————BOOK MENU————
The SecretSilent Spring
Catch-22The Creature From
Jekyll Island

Chemtrail Montage
The Mandrake Mechanism
Bag Man

_________ _________

————BOOK MENU————
The SecretSilent Spring
Catch-22The Creature From
Jekyll Island

Chemtrail Montage
The Mandrake Mechanism
Bag Man

The Mandrake Mechanism
(how our debt-based economy works)

————BOOK MENU————
The SecretSilent Spring
Catch-22The Creature From
Jekyll Island

Chemtrail Montage
The Mandrake Mechanism
Bag Man

What is the Mandrake Mechanism?
    The Fed Is Candid
    Money would vanish without debt
    What’s wrong with a little debt?

    The Discount Window
    The Open Market Committee

A Detailed View
    Reserve ratios
    A national debt is no necessary for inflation
    Expansion leads to contraction



Bag Man

by Rachel Maddow

————BOOK MENU————
The SecretSilent Spring
Catch-22The Creature From
Jekyll Island

Chemtrail Montage
The Mandrake Mechanism
Bag Man

NEW YORK TIMES BESTSELLER - The knockdown, drag-out, untold story of the other scandal that rocked Nixon's White House, and reset the rules for crooked presidents to come--with new reporting that expands on Rachel Maddow's Peabody Award-nominated podcast.

Spiro is a role model for all corrupt politicians then and now. They study his play book and learn how to break down people, courts and trials! 

ALL corrupt politicians are following the rules set up by Spiro Agnew way back in 1973. Rules 7 and 8 are new developments. A president can pardon himself? What?

A president who can pardon himself can commit any crime he wants to and get away with it.

  • 1. Attack an investigation as a witch hunt
  • 2. Obstruct investigations behind the scenes
  • 3. Attack the investigator and anyone involved with the case in personal terms
  • 4. Attack the credibility of the Department Of Justice and anyone involved in the courts 
  • 5. Attack the media covering the courts and case
  • 6. Keep attacking the justice system (the rule of law) until you break it.
  • 7. Delay, delay, delay trials in hopes that the charges will be dropped or that the president will pardon you (or himself).
  • 8. If a presidential election is in doubt, do everything possible to cause the election process to fail. When no candidate gets 270 electoral college votes, this automatically triggers a Contingent Election. In this election, each state gets ONE VOTE ONLY.

These recordings are a time machine back to 1973—the days when political corruption was developed into a step-by-step plan and got the strong foothold that it still exerts today. These recordings let you listen in to radio and TV shows of that time and hear political speeches. 

Knowing how the book turns out (the corrupt world of today), hearing how organized corruption got started is a living history lesson.

In today’s world you can hardly turn around without hearing a politician say “witch hunt,” “rigged system,” “conflicted judge,” or “political assassination.” The Orange Menace, for example, after being convicted of 34 felonies still walks around claiming “innocence” and promising a “bloodbath” if he is jailed for his many crimes. 

Germans followed Hitler over a cliff. Republicans are following The Orange Menace (a Hitler wanna-be) over the same cliff.