Hollywood High Madrigals
1964 with
Bernice Hutcheson

At Hollywood Highschool,
Bernice Hutchinson had us performing VERY grown-up music. 

My neighbor, the actor Renzo Cesana, was Italian so I invited him to Hollywood High to teach us pronunciation.

Roger Wagner 

invited us to sing for him at the downtown LA Music Center. 

He liked our performances. He asked Bernice, “Would you let me conduct your group?” Bernice was elegant and a pure theatrical show-person. She bowed to Roger while handing him her baton.

Roger asked us what we would like to perform for him, we said
Ecco mormorar l'onde. 

Roger was delighted. We sang to Roger (all in Italian):

Hear the waves murmur and the leaves tremble, trembling in the morning air.
And, above, on leafy branches beautiful birds sing sweetly,
and, slowly, the eastern sky brightens.

In my memory, we sounded just like this.